Monday, January 25, 2016

The Biggest Loser- The Urgency Room Edition

Our Vadnais Heights crew is participating in the Biggest Loser! Unfortunately we will not be on the actual show (NBC, call us!), but the competition is still cutthroat. Contestants are competing to win a whopping $120 and the glory of calling themselves the Biggest Loser. The winner of the competition will be determined by who loses the largest percentage of body weight.

The 90 challenge started on January 8th and will end on April 8th. The eight contestants all have different approaches to winning and keeping the weight off for good. One contestant is doing several rounds of the 21 Day Fix in hopes to melt the weight right off. Several contestants have taken the old fashioned approach of eating better and running. Another contestant has joined Weight Watchers to help lose the pounds. In the end it doesn’t matter what weight loss regiment has been followed, it only matters who has lost the largest percentage of body weight.

As the competition heats up and the New Year wears on, who will be able to stick to their diet and who will cave to the cookies in the break room? Only the scale will tell…