Friday, July 1, 2016

Tick Tips

Did you know that approximately 300,000 people are infected with Lymes disease each year? Because Minnesota is a heavily wooded state, it’s pertinent that we stay alert for ticks to prevent Lymes disease. Here are some tips and tricks that you need to know to prevent a tick from grabbing hold of you!
  • ·         Ticks love wooded, humid environments. Steering clear of these environments can lower your chance of encountering ticks.
  • ·         Ticks enjoy crevices of the body. Be sure to check the back of your knees, under your arms and in your belly button during your tick check.
  • ·         Don’t just do a tick check on your kids and yourself. Be sure to check your pets as well.
  • ·         Place your clothes in heated dryer after being in a wooded area. The heat will kill any hidden ticks.
  • ·         Bug spray containing DEET can help keep ticks at bay.
  • ·         Keeping your play sets away from heavily wooded areas in your yard can help prevent ticks.
  • ·         Keep deer out of your yard. Ticks feed on deer and keeping them out of your yard can help keep tick population in your yard down.

Lymes disease can be serious business. Keep your family safe and keep a watchful eye for ticks.