Monday, December 21, 2015

Winter Break Fever

We all remember counting down the days of school until winter break as a child. With a week or more off of school and the added excitement of the holidays there is a chance that the change in a child’s routine could compromise their health. If your child comes down with a fever during their winter vacation there are a few things that you can remember when you are caring for them.

The higher the temperature does not mean the more serious the illness in most cases. Some illnesses do not cause a fever at all.  It is important to take the age of the child into consideration when understanding the severity of a fever.  Call your pediatrician or seek medical attention for children 3 months of age and younger with a rectal temperature of 100.4 and above.  As infants and children get a little older you can take their behavior and activity level into account when understanding the severity of their fever. 

While they can be scary, fevers are normal reactions for children and the body’s internal mechanism for fighting infection. Children, especially younger kids, are likely to get fevers as their bodies are still learning to control and adapt themselves. Some fevers are even caused from overheating while playing and exercising.

There are a number of ways to reduce a mild fever in children at home.  Children 6 months and older can use a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, always consult your pediatrician with specific dosing questions or instruction. Baths are also a great way to lower a child’s body temperature but can be counterintuitive.  You may think a cold bath will be just the thing to calm them down but that is the opposite of how you should respond. Surprisingly, a simple warm bath will help to bring their temperature down and is often one of the best remedies for relieving a fever.  Remember to offer plenty water and liquids to avoid dehydration and always encourage as much rest as possible.

Winter break is one of the most blissful times of the year for a child. If they come down with a fever keep these things in the back of your mind. For more detailed information from one of our doctors watch the following video about fevers in children.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Top Dangers Threatening To Take the Happy out of your Holidays

Nothing makes you more of a Grinch during the holidays than a trip to the Emergency Room when you should be home enjoying good food, family and friends. Unfortunately, accidents are very common during the holiday season, for a variety of reasons. Here are the top concerns you should steer clear of if you don’t want to have a Ba Humbug attitude about the holidays this year.

About 5,800 individuals are treated annually in hospital emergency rooms for injuries sustained from falls involving holiday decorations.  This can include putting lights up on the house or reaching to far on the ladder to get the star on the top of your tree.

In addition, 4,000 people a year are treated in emergency rooms for injuries associated with extension cords.  Half of these injuries involve fractures, lacerations, contusions, or sprains as a result of people tripping over the cords.

Carbon Monoxide poisonings
Carbon Monoxide claims an average of 430 lives in the United States per year. These are preventable deaths. Make sure you install at least one smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm on every level of your home and near bedrooms.

About 30% of all home fires and 38% of home fire deaths occur during the months of December, January, and February.  The United States Fire Administration (USFA) says these fires happen for a variety of reasons cooking, heating, and open flames, all which increase during the holidays. Watch all fires and do not cook or handle an open flame if you have been drinking in excess.

With all their shine and glitter holiday decorations are especially tempting to infants, who can quickly choke on items like tinsel, small ornaments, tiny pine cones and pieces from nativity scenes. Be sure to keep all such hazards well out of the reach of children; this includes popular holiday food items like nuts and hard candies, too.

Poinsettias are often regarded as the most poisonous holiday plant, but contrary to popular belief these plants are actually not toxic to people. Mistletoe, on the other hand, is poisonous. Eating any part of the mistletoe plant, but particularly the berries and leaves, can lead to gastrointestinal upset, while some varieties contain toxins that can lead to blurred vision, blood pressure changes and even death. 
Toxic Candles, Sprays and Lights
Do you ever stop to consider what is in the smoke that burns from your candles? They can release hundreds of chemicals, including cancer-causing benzene, into your home's air every time you burn them. This is particularly true of scented candles, as the fragrance oils often contain phthalates, which have been linked to numerous hormonal disruptions, breast cancer, early or delayed puberty and more. Spray on snow is also hazardous as it contains acetone and methylene chloride (a probable carcinogen).

According to a U.S. Environmental group’s study four out of five holiday lights tested contain lead, 28 percent of which contained lead at such high levels they would be illegal to sell in Europe. 

Give yourself a gift this holiday season. Beware of the hazards that threaten to rob you of the joy and relaxation you deserve. An ounce of prevention is worth a lot more than what Santa might bring you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

10 Things You Didn't Know About the UR

There is more than what meets the eye when you come to The Urgency Room. We thought we would create a post for the things you might not know about the UR!

1. Our radiology technicians come from St. Paul Radiology. The wonderful people at the UR take your x-rays and ultrasounds are actually employees of St. Paul Radiology. We who were so impressed with their skills that we wanted to collaborate!

2. Every UR has a candy drawer. The UR and it's employees contribute to the candy drawer to keep it well stocked. When that occasional chocolate craving hits, we are ready!

3. The average patient visit is 90 minutes or less. No matter how serious this injury or illness the UR averages a 90 minute or less from door to discharge. We think that is pretty impressive!


4. Our staff shares meals on holidays. Even when our employees are working to take care of patients on the holidays, they still get to enjoy a holiday meal with their UR family.

5. We have access to local clinics medical records. With your permission, we can access your electronic medical records from your primary care provider. In addition, your records can then be electronically sent from the UR to your regular doctor for review or follow up care.

6. We have COWs at the UR. Well maybe not actual cows, but we have Computers On Wheels. We have scribes at the UR who go room to room with a doctor and document the visit. The scribes use COWs to make the documentation process more efficient for the patient and provider.

7. Woodbury is the only one of our three locations that was created from an existing building and was once a video rental store. After gutting out the building we were able to turn the old video store into a state of the art medical facility. We bet the original builders would have never imagined it was going to become a free standing emergency room!

8. Between the three URs, we go through almost 450 bottles of water per month. The URs have a drink fridge at each location for our ill patients. Though we stock juice, sports drinks and lemon lime soda, water is the number one beverage we go through.

9. The UR has its own YouTube Channel!  You can find our board-certified emergency physicians on YouTube providing educational information on some of the most common things we see at the UR.  Some of our videos have almost 100,000 views!

10. The physicians, PAs and NPs that staff our Urgency Rooms also work in the ERs of 5 of our main Twin Cities hospitals.  You could see your doctor at the UR or working in the ER of Mercy, Unity, Southdale, Ridges and Methodist hospitals.  Needless to say you are in very capable hands during your visit to the UR. We only hire the best and the brightest!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Heart Attack on a Plate? Tis The Season...

It’s certainly the lump of coal among all the presents! Research shows that the death rate from heart attack and stroke tends to spike around the holiday season. The numbers include both fatal and non-fatal heart attacks, as well as a less serious, alcohol-induced condition called "holiday heart syndrome" that causes the heart to beat irregularly.

When you eat a lot of food at once, your stomach expands with your digestive system requiring more blood. If you have coronary heart disease or are at risk for it, overeating (a big Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner can top 5,000 calories) can have serious consequences. Triglycerides­—a type of fat in the blood after a large meal—can cause coronary artery inflammation, commonly a prelude to a heart attack. Large amounts of food and alcohol can also cause the release of adrenaline-like substances that can cause a fatal abnormal heart rhythm.

Recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack and getting immediate medical treatment is vital. Here are the top signs of a heart attack, though these may vary between men and women and patient by patient.
  • Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back
  • Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cold sweat
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness
Planning is your best weapon against overeating during the holidays. Some helpful tips include, eating a high-protein snack before a party and adding to your exercise routine might help to prevent overeating.

Certainly we all love the delicious dishes and treats that come with holiday celebrations. The key is to enjoy in moderation, don’t over-indulge. Your heart will certainly be thankful that you did.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Vertigo - A Spinning World

It feels like seasickness or that dizzy feeling some of us get when we step off a rollercoaster -except, those suffering from this common condition aren’t boating or at an amusement park.

Vertigo is an illusory sense of spinning. It can be frightening and lead to nausea, vomiting, headaches and other symptoms. Vertigo has been linked to anxiety, a drop in blood pressure, migraines, multiple sclerosis and Meniere’s disease, a disorder of the ear that can also cause tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and hearing loss. It can also signal a more serious condition, such as a brain tumor or stroke, although that is less common.

Many of us have felt dizziness when standing up suddenly from a couch, this is not vertigo. The experience for vertigo sufferers is much more intense and includes a sensation that the world is whirling around them. Sufferers can also experience nausea and vomiting, symptoms which really get a person’s attention. Additional symptoms include abnormal or jerking eye movements, headache, sweating and ringing in the ears.

In many cases, vertigo goes away without any treatment because your brain is able to adapt to the inner ear changes. For those who need further treatment options may include vestibular rehabilitation, medicine or even surgery.

If you experience vertigo, you should see a doctor to rule out more serious causes. Thankfully there are simple and effective treatments to stop the spinning!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Changing Seasons and an Emergency Care Clinic

There are so many great things about the changing of the seasons! If you are transitioning from summer to fall, you have the stunning array of colors of nature. Or from winter to spring, it seems the world lights up with the bright bold colors of the spring flowers! There is so much to look forward to when the seasons are changing. Of course, with the good comes the bad, and that is very true when talking about the changing of the seasons.

Most of us know our bodies and we know what happens when the weather takes a turn, we get sick. Sometimes that is just a simple as seasonal allergies but it could also become as severe as a sore throat that doesn’t want to go away. When life has you down there is nothing more you want than to be feeling better to enjoying the new weather! For those ups and downs in the weather, you should consider seeing an emergency care clinic.

Emergency care clinics are prepared to deal with the changing of the seasons. They are ready to handle the basics such as allergies and asthma to the more intense medical situations like flu and respiratory symptoms. The best thing to do when you are feeling under the weather is to attack your symptoms in the bud and seek medical attention right away. You do not want something that could be as easily fixed in the early stages become something that keeps you indoors for weeks!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Dehydration and Emergency Care Clinics

When we are outside enjoying all that nature has to offer, playing games or doing sports, we may forget one important factor to all of this outside fun; water. Water is a vital part of working outside. That is anything from doing yardwork to physical activity, water helps you stay hydrated. When you are exerting force and sweating you are losing vital nutrients that you need to stay hydrated and if you do not intake enough water to replace those that are lost, you can become dehydrated.

There is more to being dehydrated than just the feeling of being thirsty; there are serious medical issues that could arise when one becomes dehydrated. If in the event of a severe case of dehydration one would need to seek an emergency care clinic like The Urgency Room to have symptoms evaluated and possibly have fluids replenished. The rule of thumb to remember when you are working outside is to drink double what you normally would, especially if you are partaking in physical activity. This is true for days when you cannot beat the heat; you will be sweating more and losing more. Stay hydrated this summer by always having cold water within arm’s reach; remember if you are thirsty you are already dehydrated! For more information from The Urgency Room visit our website for after care instruction related to dehydration.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Camping and In Need of “Urgent Care Near Me"

So you are out enjoying the fresh air, sleeping under the stars, and roasting marshmallow in the campfire. However, what happens when innocent camping turns into something more than just fun? When you stumble upon a beehive or fall and cut yourself on some sharp rocks, this is when you need to start searching for an “urgent care near me” and need to consider The Urgency Room.

When you are camping, some things can be planned, the s’mores and being prepared for bug bites however, when your outdoor fun takes a rough turn and you are far from your normal physician’s office you need a facility similar to an urgent care, with the capabilities of an ER who delivers the experience you deserve. The Urgency Room will be able to provide you with the right type of medical services for you to get back on your feet faster!

If you are camping in the woods of Minnesota and encounter a mishap, look to The Urgency Room to be your answer to get you on your feet faster. Our top-notch physicians and facilities will be able to stitch you up quickly without having to wait hours in the emergency room.  Visit our website for wait times, locations and directions.  We are here for you 365 days a year from 8am to 10pm.

Friday, July 17, 2015

When to Seek Out a Hybrid Urgent Care Facility

When there is a medical emergency, we instantly think that we should seek out the nearest emergency room. However, there are many instances when going to the traditional emergency room will be frugal to your well being because of wasted time spent in the waiting rooms. While there are of course the true-life threatening situations, in which you should still seek immediate medical care. Although, non-life threatening situations is when you should seek out an alternative to the ER.

While services vary between each urgent care and clinic you visit, most of them have the more than the basic services of a physician’s office and less than the serious situations that a traditional emergency room can offer.  For serious situations that do not require an ambulance, consider the hybrid urgent care option offered from The Urgency Room.  It is the ideal facility when you are looking to get back on your feet faster but don’t need the hassle and long wait of the ER! The Urgency Room is for people seeking immediate help for symptoms that deal with allergies, cuts that require stitches, chest pain, and even head injuries. If you are in the Minnesota area and are in need of a hybrid, advanced urgent care option, look to The Urgency Room to provide that service for you. Learn more at our website!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sunburn Safety!

Related to our last post about dehydration and the sun, this post is all about sun and summer safety. We are particularly talking about when we over expose our bodies to the sun’s warm rays. While most of us agree that while being out in the sun, the time seems like it is flying by. That can be negative effect if you’re not protecting yourself enough. When playing or working outside it is very important to make sure you are properly shielding yourself with sunscreen. This is also true for those cloudy days because the sun’s rays are more powerful when it’s trying harder to peek through all the clouds.

On those days and the sunniest of days, make sure you are protecting your skin with at least a 30 SPF sunscreen. This should be liberally applied to all areas of the body. Do not forget those hard to see and reach places like the tops of ears, backs of legs, and feet. Over exposure from the sun can have last effects like wrinkles, sun spots, and even skin cancer.

Prevention is as easy as 1-2-3. All it takes is being sun safety smart and taking the necessary steps to protect yourself. This means reapplying higher SPF sunscreen every two hours and using a liberal amount. If at any time you need to seek immediate medical care come and see us at The Urgency Room. We hope you stay safe this summer and have fun!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dehydration: The Lasting Effects

Since the winters can be so brutal and we are stuck inside all season long, there is no question that when the weather breaks we want to be outside 24/7. While the sun provides us with some needed vitamin D it can also be harmful to our bodies. Not only does the sun have damaging effects to our skin like age spots, wrinkles, and even skin cancer, it can also have devastating effects to the inside of our bodies.

Dehydration is defined by the Mayo Clinic as “a process that occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in.   Your body doesn’t have enough water and other fluids to carry out is normal functions if the fluids are not replaced. “ When our skin is exposed to too much sun it can cause us to become dehydrated more quickly, especially if we are being active in the sun. This will have negative effects on our body like:
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased thirst
  • Dry skin
That is why it is crucial to keep your body fully hydrated in the summer by drinking lots of water.  A good rule of thumb to go by is to intake half of your body weight in water ounces daily; for example if you weigh 150 pounds should take in 75 ounces of water daily. This should also increase when you are outside and/or drinking alcohol.  If you think you or someone know is experiencing dehydration get to them to immediate medical care, like one of our facilities.   You can also find out more information on watching our Dehydration After Care Video, our very own physicians will give you advice and follow up care when you need it most.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Services at a Walk in Medical Clinic

If you are from or visiting the Minneapolis area and get injured do not panic or rush to ER just to wait for hours! The Urgency Room is a walk in medical clinic that can provide you with all the medical help you need in a timely manner. Our website is equipped to provide you with "real time"current wait times in all of our three locations. We want to provide you the fastest help possible to get you feeling better sooner!

Our walk in medical clinic is an advanced medical practice; we are constantly adding new services to our growling list. Our physicians are expertly trained to provide the correct care to all types of patient’s needs. Some of the current services we offer are; chest and abdominal pain, fevers, cuts stitches, early pregnancy care, and kidney stones, just to name a few. We have all of the right tools, equipment, and medical staff to treat all of your medical issues. We work diligently to update our exam rooms so that every need is met efficiently and effectively. Learn more about all of our services and physicians at!

Monday, May 4, 2015

How To Choose The Right Urgent Care Clinic or Emergency Facility for Your Care

While choosing an urgent care clinic might seem like an easy task, it is a task that should have some pros and cons weighed. Picking the right place for treatment can vary from situation to situation; if you’re in dire need it is best to seek immediate medical attention by calling 911. However, for the other bumps in the road that life throws at us we have The Urgency Room. If you’re in the Minnesota area you want to ensure you’re putting yourself in the right hands, come see us! At The Urgency Room we provide you all of the care and services will you need to get back on your feet!

Choosing the right urgent care clinic or emergency facility for your needs is essential and at our clinic we have made that choice an easy one. Our physicians work alongside you to ensure your needs are met; they go above and beyond to diagnose you properly and begin treatment options immediately. Along with caring and knowledgeable physicians, you also want to be assured that the urgent care clinic or facility you choose has the services that are relevant to your needs. We exceed expectations with all of the services that we provide onsite. We want to give our patients peace of mind when they walk through our doors, knowing we can handle it all. From kidney stones and broken bones to chest pains difficulties breathing, The Urgency Room has you covered. When dealing with your health, you should not cut corners. Learn more about our care and services at!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

St. Paul Urgent Care at The Urgency Room

If you’re looking for emergency medical care in the Twin Cities metro area, The Urgency Room provides you with the perfect solution. We provide exceptional, patient-focused emergency care in a comfortable, inviting environment. With our innovative concept that joins the speed of an urgent care facility with the diagnostic capabilities and state of the art equipment hospitals use, we’ve made a difference when it matters most to our patients.

For Minneapolis and St. Paul urgent care, we provide the most convenient options with our three locations. 

UR Woodbury
Address: 7030 Valley Creek Plaza, Woodbury, MN 55125
Phone: (651) 789-7000

UR Eagan
Address: 3010 Denmark Ave, Eagan, MN, 55121
Phone: 651-789-9900

UR Vadnais Heights
Address: 1159 East County Rd E, Vadnais Heights, MN, 55110
Phone: 651-789-6500

Whether you’re calling ahead or simply walking in, we’ll provide you with the best and fastest emergency care in the Twin Cities. With private treatment, consult, observation, and procedure rooms, we can give you the best care available without the long wait.

We’re in your neighborhood, so don’t wait to visit us next time you have an emergency situation. Learn more about The Urgency Room and how we set ourselves apart from the competition at today. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Finding Urgent Care Near Me

When you’re searching for ‘urgent care near me’ in the Twin Cities, there’s only one answer that provides superior, patient-focused emergency care: The Urgency Room. Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., 365 days a year, The Urgency Room is staffed by emergency physicians and a highly trained staff.

We are your complete emergency care solution. From infants to adults, we can treat a wide range of illnesses, injuries, and conditions. For broken bones, serious cuts that require stitches, head injuries, chest pain, high fever, and other concerns, we can provide fast and easy health solutions. As long as you do not require an ambulance or an overnight stay, The Urgency Room can help you get the treatment you need.

Our experts take emergency medical care to the next level by merging the efficiency of an urgent care center with the fully functional lab and diagnostic tools of a hospital. With locations in Eagan, Woodbury, and Vadnais Heights, we are in your neighborhood and ready to serve you in your time of need.

When you want to avoid the hassle and long waits at the emergency room, visit The Urgency Room today! Learn more about our superior emergency services at

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Minneapolis Urgent Care and More

Not satisfied with the St. Paul and Minneapolis urgent care locations currently out there?  The Urgency Room offers you something better.  We’re open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 365 days a year, and provide outstanding patient care without the hassle and long waits you’ll find at hospital emergency rooms and local urgent cares.  We’ve raised the bar on providing an exceptional patient experience, but we don’t stop there.

On our website,, you’ll find our current wait times for each of our locations—Woodbury, Eagan, and Vadnais Heights.  You can find The Urgency Room closest to you in one click on your computer, tablet or smartphone.  You’ll be surprised at how quickly you can be seen by our board-certified physicians and expert emergency staff.

We also provide an assortment of After Care videos for our patients online. Tailored around different medical conditions, you can get follow-up instructions and advice for your specific ailment. This ensures proper care after your treatment and a speedier recovery.  We understand our patients may need a place to turn to even after they’ve received treatment.  Our After Care videos are an excellent resource for when you are home and healing.

We also have an easy “Pay My Bill” feature on our website to make it easy to pay for your visit to The Urgency Room.  You can pay your bill online at any time of the day or night. We also have staff available by phone to answer any billing or finance questions you may have.  Call 952-857-0644, M-F from 8:00am to 4:00pm to speak to a member of our billing team.  We are committed to going above and beyond for our patients.

Our commitment to setting the bar high doesn’t stop there, we are also active in our engagement with the communities we serve.  We are avid supporters of local nonprofit organizations and contributors to local celebrations; we work together to donate time and support to make our communities a better place.  Our physicians and staff are making a difference both inside and outside the walls of The Urgency Room.

We’re committed to being the best. Visit to learn more about how we can help you!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Steps to Emergency Medical Care

When an emergency happens, it’s likely to be unexpected. The best plan of action is to create a process for what to do in an emergency before it occurs. By ensuring you are prepared before a medical issue arises, you’ll have a clearer mind to think about your options and more time to construct your plan of action.

Use the following steps to create your emergency plan and tailor them to your specific needs:

1.       Contact emergency medical care. For injuries or conditions that don’t require an ambulance or hospitalization, call The Urgency Room. Save the phone number of the location nearest to you and let us know you’re on your way so we can prepare for you. We also accept walk-ins, so keep our location saved in your smartphone or GPS device.
2.       Contact friends or loved ones that need to be notified. This will ensure that you or your family members can make whatever arrangements necessarily for school, work, or other activities.
3.       Be prepared. It’s always a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand for minor injuries. This can help you in the event of an emergency; keep one at home and in your vehicle.
4.       Don’t neglect aftercare. With The Urgency Room’s aftercare videos, you can continue taking the proper steps for your medical concern after you leave our doors. Don’t forget that treating your injury is only the first step on your road to recovery.

Each person has their own requirements for an emergency plan, but if and when an emergency situation arises, those with a plan usually are much calmer and can be treated more quickly. Speak to your family and friends and complete your medical emergency plan today and remember The Urgency Room is open 365 days a year from 8am to 10pm.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Saving Time With Emergency Care

Successful emergency care combines effective and efficient treatment for your medical concerns. When you’re injured or feeling ill, you don’t want to sit for hours in a waiting room, or be forced to go to a hospital or physician’s office because the facility you’re visiting can’t provide the care you need.
At The Urgency Room, most visits take 90 minutes or less. Our board-certified emergency physicians can quickly diagnose and treat adults and children in our state-of-the-art medical facility. With our on-site laboratory and medical imaging equipment, including a CT scanner, ultrasound, and x-rays, you can get exceptional emergency care fast.
When you’re in pain or discomfort, every moment is important. At The Urgency Room you will receive the immediate emergency care you need. The Urgency Room is located in Woodbury, Eagan, and Vadnais Heights and is open 365 days a year from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m..
When it’s urgent, don’t settle. Save time and get superior emergency care at The Urgency Room.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Immediate Medical Care In Winter Weather

The Urgency Room is the place to go for immediate medical care—whether you’ve got a seasonal sickness or you are injured while shoveling snow or slipping on ice. Our doors are open 365 days a year from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day—even on holidays. And we are conveniently located in Eagan, Woodbury, and Vadnais Heights.
For the sudden holiday illness or the unexpected winter accident requiring  immediate medical care, The Urgency Room can get you in and home in no time. With board-certified emergency physicians leading a professional medical staff, we provide expert patient care without the long waits of a hospital ER. We also provide on-site laboratory work, x-ray, CT, and ultrasound imaging that you can’t get at a traditional urgent care center.
Winter weather is tough when you’re suffering from a physical injury or a debilitating cold or flu, but we can help you get back on your feet. Check out our website to see current wait times at each location and to learn more about the immediate medical care our expert emergency doctors and staff offer at