Friday, July 24, 2015

Camping and In Need of “Urgent Care Near Me"

So you are out enjoying the fresh air, sleeping under the stars, and roasting marshmallow in the campfire. However, what happens when innocent camping turns into something more than just fun? When you stumble upon a beehive or fall and cut yourself on some sharp rocks, this is when you need to start searching for an “urgent care near me” and need to consider The Urgency Room.

When you are camping, some things can be planned, the s’mores and being prepared for bug bites however, when your outdoor fun takes a rough turn and you are far from your normal physician’s office you need a facility similar to an urgent care, with the capabilities of an ER who delivers the experience you deserve. The Urgency Room will be able to provide you with the right type of medical services for you to get back on your feet faster!

If you are camping in the woods of Minnesota and encounter a mishap, look to The Urgency Room to be your answer to get you on your feet faster. Our top-notch physicians and facilities will be able to stitch you up quickly without having to wait hours in the emergency room.  Visit our website for wait times, locations and directions.  We are here for you 365 days a year from 8am to 10pm.

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