Friday, July 24, 2015

Camping and In Need of “Urgent Care Near Me"

So you are out enjoying the fresh air, sleeping under the stars, and roasting marshmallow in the campfire. However, what happens when innocent camping turns into something more than just fun? When you stumble upon a beehive or fall and cut yourself on some sharp rocks, this is when you need to start searching for an “urgent care near me” and need to consider The Urgency Room.

When you are camping, some things can be planned, the s’mores and being prepared for bug bites however, when your outdoor fun takes a rough turn and you are far from your normal physician’s office you need a facility similar to an urgent care, with the capabilities of an ER who delivers the experience you deserve. The Urgency Room will be able to provide you with the right type of medical services for you to get back on your feet faster!

If you are camping in the woods of Minnesota and encounter a mishap, look to The Urgency Room to be your answer to get you on your feet faster. Our top-notch physicians and facilities will be able to stitch you up quickly without having to wait hours in the emergency room.  Visit our website for wait times, locations and directions.  We are here for you 365 days a year from 8am to 10pm.

Friday, July 17, 2015

When to Seek Out a Hybrid Urgent Care Facility

When there is a medical emergency, we instantly think that we should seek out the nearest emergency room. However, there are many instances when going to the traditional emergency room will be frugal to your well being because of wasted time spent in the waiting rooms. While there are of course the true-life threatening situations, in which you should still seek immediate medical care. Although, non-life threatening situations is when you should seek out an alternative to the ER.

While services vary between each urgent care and clinic you visit, most of them have the more than the basic services of a physician’s office and less than the serious situations that a traditional emergency room can offer.  For serious situations that do not require an ambulance, consider the hybrid urgent care option offered from The Urgency Room.  It is the ideal facility when you are looking to get back on your feet faster but don’t need the hassle and long wait of the ER! The Urgency Room is for people seeking immediate help for symptoms that deal with allergies, cuts that require stitches, chest pain, and even head injuries. If you are in the Minnesota area and are in need of a hybrid, advanced urgent care option, look to The Urgency Room to provide that service for you. Learn more at our website!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sunburn Safety!

Related to our last post about dehydration and the sun, this post is all about sun and summer safety. We are particularly talking about when we over expose our bodies to the sun’s warm rays. While most of us agree that while being out in the sun, the time seems like it is flying by. That can be negative effect if you’re not protecting yourself enough. When playing or working outside it is very important to make sure you are properly shielding yourself with sunscreen. This is also true for those cloudy days because the sun’s rays are more powerful when it’s trying harder to peek through all the clouds.

On those days and the sunniest of days, make sure you are protecting your skin with at least a 30 SPF sunscreen. This should be liberally applied to all areas of the body. Do not forget those hard to see and reach places like the tops of ears, backs of legs, and feet. Over exposure from the sun can have last effects like wrinkles, sun spots, and even skin cancer.

Prevention is as easy as 1-2-3. All it takes is being sun safety smart and taking the necessary steps to protect yourself. This means reapplying higher SPF sunscreen every two hours and using a liberal amount. If at any time you need to seek immediate medical care come and see us at The Urgency Room. We hope you stay safe this summer and have fun!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dehydration: The Lasting Effects

Since the winters can be so brutal and we are stuck inside all season long, there is no question that when the weather breaks we want to be outside 24/7. While the sun provides us with some needed vitamin D it can also be harmful to our bodies. Not only does the sun have damaging effects to our skin like age spots, wrinkles, and even skin cancer, it can also have devastating effects to the inside of our bodies.

Dehydration is defined by the Mayo Clinic as “a process that occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in.   Your body doesn’t have enough water and other fluids to carry out is normal functions if the fluids are not replaced. “ When our skin is exposed to too much sun it can cause us to become dehydrated more quickly, especially if we are being active in the sun. This will have negative effects on our body like:
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased thirst
  • Dry skin
That is why it is crucial to keep your body fully hydrated in the summer by drinking lots of water.  A good rule of thumb to go by is to intake half of your body weight in water ounces daily; for example if you weigh 150 pounds should take in 75 ounces of water daily. This should also increase when you are outside and/or drinking alcohol.  If you think you or someone know is experiencing dehydration get to them to immediate medical care, like one of our facilities.   You can also find out more information on watching our Dehydration After Care Video, our very own physicians will give you advice and follow up care when you need it most.